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‘‘So what?
I'm still a

and I don't
need you.’’
Here I Am.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Here I Am - Leona Lewis
4.43 PM

Something I want to share with everyone. Especially for some people.

This is a crazy world
These can be lonely times
It's hard to know who's on your side
Most of the time

Who can you really trust
Who do you really know
Is there anybody out there
Who can make you feel less alone
Some times you just can't make it on your own

If you need a place where you can run
If you need a shoulder to cry on
I'll always be your friend

When you need some shelter from the rain
When you need a healer for your pain
I will be there time and time again
When you need someone to love you
Here I am, hmmm

If you have broken dreams
Just lay them all on me
I'll be the one who understands
So take my hand

If you reach emptyness

You know I'll do my best
To fill you up with all the love
That I can show someone
I promise you you'll never walk alone

Well if you need a place where you can run
If you need a shoulder to cry on
I'll always be your friend

When you need some shelter from the rain
When you need a healer for your pain
I will be there time and time again
When you need someone to love you
Here I am, oooo

Everybody needs somebody who
keep a heart and soul in two

Well if you need a place where you can run
If you need a shoulder to cry on
I'll always be your friend

When you need some shelter from the rain
When you need a healer for your pain
I will be there time and time again
When you need someone to love you
Here I am, Here I am

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Monday, March 29, 2010
9.57 PM


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Boredom rules the day.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
When You're Gone - Avril Lavigne
8.58 PM

Yes, I'm freaking bored right now. I'm doing my chinese delayed-essay(which I didn't bother to finish and thus I had forgotten to give to the teacher), and I have no idea what to write. I mean, hello, do you expect a bored person to have inspiration right now? Plus some idiot is saying my Facebook profile picture is BLACK, speak of Racistic Bastardice. It's not even the least bit black please, just the hair. So anyway, the above picture is supposed to make you laugh or something, I don't know. I did though, so I expect you to (:


It looks so cute can, especially that lil' black dragon. Stupid.

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"Things To Do" this year.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Mixed emotions, and now I don't know what to feel.
Blah Blah Blah - Ke$ha
10.05 PM

Hi, yeah I know it's a bit too late to do this but who cares. Just look at my grades.

*Ransacks bag for Report Book* ...Shit I left it at school.

Okay whatever, here:
1. Stop using computer so much (Hmm.)
2. Start revising more (Mid-years nearing..)
3. Start saving money for new phone and whatnots
4. Start doing my homework and not be a lazyass
5. Slim down!!!
6. Something I hate to admit ...Be more responsible

Okay. There. I said it. PERIOD.

Now going on to blog about today. Also, I'm skipping the school day as usual.

After school, I wanted to go to the library and do my Art Journal, along with Sharlene, Beverly and Leqi for the English Project, and Lewis, Yongrui, Jalal and Alan. However, Leqi and Beverly weren't free, and Yongrui had to go for NCC first, I think. And what do you know, on this very fateful day, THE DAMNED LIBRARY HAD TO CLOSE FOR THE PARENT-MEETING SHIT. So I decided to just dump my journal into Mdm Fazelah's cabinet and head over to Sharlene's house with Lewis and Jalal. But then Jalal needed to go back to school for CCA at 2, so he went to Lot1 instead. So it was just Sharlene, Lewis and me. We had fun, yes, in the air-conditioned computer room. We played Wii, I did my project. And Lewis got whacked a hell lot of times(Yes, most of them were from me, I'd admit proudly), it was fucking hilarious(Whoops, *slaps self*). Poor him. And Zack let me carry him, can I say ♥? I'm pretty much summing everything up into just a few sentences, since I'm feeling a lil' down right now. And don't ask me why, I don't freaking know. Okay, off-topic. Then they had to go out, so Sharlene offered to finish the unfinished project for me. And so we boarded Sharlene's mom's awesomistic car, and she kindly dropped us off to Yewtee. Then Lewis and I went to Yewtee Point for sushi, and since the mrt station didn't allow consuming of food, we walked around before we bid farewell.

Reminder, Yongrui's birthday: 7 December. Lewis prepare birthday bash by then. Kthxbai♥

You've got your gain, I've got my loss.

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Hi chocolate.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Paparazzi - Lady Gaga
10.00 PM (Yes I know, cool right?)

Hi bitches (: I'm back.

It was fun after school today.

*Skips rest of the school day*

Jalal suggested to go to the library to study, Lewis, Li Ting and I agreed. Whereas, I get to visit my bitch who didn't notify me where she went until I texted her. So I went for lunch with Lewis first (Jalal didn't want to come, and then he gets a payback of getting hungry, serves him right. Lol), and then we headed off to the library. And I found out Mabel was doing her project with her group members on the computer. (Guess I'll forgive her this time.) So we did math, while Lewis went off for his Chinese lesson(forgot what it was called, it's sort of like Simplified Chinese, LOL) with Joseph and Kin Seng(?!). They had lessons, IN THE LIBRARY. Which equals to aircon. Which equals to: They're too pampered Ms Neo, you should know what to do (:

Then I had to go to the toilet urgently, and was kept waiting while Jalal digs out his coins and thinks of what to eat. (Apparently, Jalal's ass was too lazy to get up to buy it himself. Oh &, so much for wanting to save money, boy. Temptation sucks too good for you.) Did he know how unhealthy it was to keep a full bladder waiting? So I went out of the library and found out it was raining, jolly. Then the school was dim and the porch was empty, which in return gave me inspirations on writing a horror story. Like, the girl comes out of her library, and bumps into this creepy goth-wannabe girl who glares at her and whispers You're next... And that girl, of course, didn't believe that stupid crap. I mean come on, it's from the mouth of a goth-wannabe, who would believe that? (Lewis would. Since he's (:D) . HAHA) Then she realises it was raining cats and dogs, and she can hardly see anything beyong the strangely deserted guardpost, and then she-


Sorry. Okay, so I bought the sandwiches and headed back to the library. And we carried on with the tedious math. Then around 4-5+ Lewis' session ended, and he and Jo came to join us. I TELL YOU WE WERE LAUGHING OUR ARSES OFF INSTEAD OF DOING HOMEWORK. Which I, of course, didn't mind (: Then around 5.30++ Lewis and Jo had to go find Ms Lim, so we waited in the library.

5.40 PM

Lewis comes back. But Jo was still upstairs, so we grabbed our bags (I took Jo's, since it was light) and we went out before the library closed. Okay I'm summing up, it's getting late. Then we went to Yewtee Point since Jalal and Liting wanted to pee. Then I bought sushi. Then I went home.


Oh yeah, when we were eating lunch, Jeremy(See! I even remembered your name *smug smile*) called me from across the table:
Jeremy: Becky!
Yours Truly: ?
Jeremy: 知道我是谁吗? (Know who am I?)
Yours Truly: *nods*
Jeremy: 不还记得我 ah? (Don't remember me ah?)
Yours Truly: *nods*
Jeremy: 不还记得我?!
Yours Truly: *speaking for the first time in the conversation* Remember. o.o
Ernest: *interrupts* 知道我是谁吗?
Yours Truly: *nods*
*Ernest gives satisfactory pose to Jeremy*
*Yours Truly continues her meal thinking: That was so damn freaking random... (sweatdrop)*

I might have mixed up some parts on the conversation, since I have poor conversation-memory. Kthxbye dearies.

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The Mad Scientist
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
A forgotten mansion lies at the corner of the city, where huge towering trees with heavy branches surrounded it, making it unnoticeable at first glance because of the lush leaves that hide it from view. In that mansion, lives a single scientist who works in his laboratory day and night, abandoning sleep in order to fulfill his one and only mission; to bring back his beloved wife who died in an unfortunately fatal car accident. And he’ll do whatever it takes to get her back, even if it took forever. He wanted to do this. He needed to do this. He needed and wanted her back.

With the loud ‘slosh’ of chemicals mixing together and the sound of the apparatus hitting softly against each other, the scientist does his work with extra care, a slight error could mean total failure, and his efforts will go down the drain. Wiping the sweat off his forehead on his sleeve, he picked up the whiskey he placed on a small table nearby and took a sip. Before he could place it back, he slipped on something and the cup went flying, with him knocking the small table over. “Shoot,” he muttered darkly. After putting the table back in place, he hurriedly wiped off the excess liquid that escaped the shattered glass, and checked if anything was damaged. Fortunately, nothing was. Heaving a sigh of relief, he threw the glass into the bin and carried on with his work, barely noticing the scratch marks the broken glasses left behind.

Months and months of feverish working passed and the scientist had finally completed his task. All that was left was to see if the experiment worked. It was the most unnerving moment. The clock ticked away as he puts his experiment into place. Slowly and carefully, not risking a dreadful mistake, he places an unconscious cat- injected with Chloral Hydrate combined with Ethanol, thus causing unconsciousness -into a clear glass box, with two tubes in it that extends out. One tube was an “in”, the other was an “out”, which ends with a tiny capsule. He quickly unscrews the lid of a aluminum bottle, and holds it over the “in” tube. White vapour slowly drifts out and into the tube. The mist swirls around the cat, as if examining it, before going into it through its nose, and other open areas. The scientist waits impatiently, his heart running its own marathon as he waits for a reaction. Abruptly, the cat gives a quick jerk, and goes still. His heart skipped a beat, a beat of sweat rolled down his cheek.

Have I failed? He thought at first. Then, many tedious moments later, a small glowing light comes out of the cat’s mouth. It was a magnificent sapphire colour. The scientist stares at it, momentarily engulfed in wonder. “It’s its soul..” He breathed. “Isn’t it?” He watched as the sphere drifts into the “out” tube, and into the capsule. Quickly, he shut the capsule’s lid and clutched it to his chest. After a few moments, he started laughing nervously; he couldn’t believe what just happened before him. A soul had just been drawn out from a living mammal! You could imagine all the fame and money he could get if he shows this to the world! But he didn’t think of the fame or money. All he cared about was his next mission.

Holding the capsule, he heads over to a drawer, where he keeps a tiny bottle of his wife’s blood, and took it out. Afterwards, he opens the door of his laboratory, and stepped out for once in a very long time. It was like a haunted, abandoned house. Dust and cobwebs were everywhere. The scientist walked along the dark passageway of the house, and comes to a stop in front of a large sealed metal door. Inside, was a single body; his wife’s corpse. He had had her preserved in this large refrigerated room, until the day he finds the solution to bring her back from the dead. She still looked the same from the day she was concealed in this room. Her face was of sad misery, transparent porcelain skin, and hair a dry frizz. Pain flashed across the man’s face as he looks at his dead wife. With trembling hands, he lifted the cork of the glass bottle, and dripped a drop of blood into the capsule, the soul instantly absorbed the blood, adjusting it’s DNA into the soul. Then he lifted it to his unmoving wife’s lips, letting the glowing light, now the colour of crimson blood, escape into her body. His heart pounded, and licked his dry lips nervously. Please let it work, he begged silently. Slowly, her face turns brighter, with more life in it, and her body becomes warmer. The scientist’s heart rose, it was working! Hours passed slowly as the body gets used to its new soul. With a gasp of breath and a pound of a heartbeat, she opened her eyes and focused on her husband. “William..” She murmured after several seconds, in a dazed voice; much like someone who just awoke from a long slumber. The scientist’s hands shook with pure amazement, his mind going blank at the sound of his name coming from the voice of the very one he had thought he had lost forever. He stared at her and she stared back; eyes locked in an intense and mute staring contest. Finally, he managed to pull enough of himself together to fling his trembling arms around his beloved, tears of complete happiness welling up in his tired eyes.
Mission succeeded.

My English March Holiday Essay.

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Kiss my shoe, love.
Hi peaches.

Woke up at 7+ this morning. Damn I was tired. Been up to complete the English essay (which I didn't, yet) yesterday night/morning. Met up with Mabel and headed to school.. Where I met up with the usual gang o:

Hmm. Lessons per normal, the D&T students had to leave at 11, and I must say it was a very sad farewell. HAHA. But don't worry, I DIDN'T MISS YOU. :D After they left we had POA, which was VERY slack, and I read my book all the way. Hmm. And then there was English. It was pretty slack too, we had to do our summaries, but I was lazy, and read the book instead. I'm no geek, mind you! And then we had Bio.. I HAD TO FREAKING COPY NOTES FOR FOUR PEOPLE, PLEASE. Did I mention I hate you? (:

Then after school Mabel and I headed over to the shop. And there she was brooding over what soup to buy, while I tapped my foot impatiently, LOL. Then we quarrelled over what her pet MOTH was called. She insisted it was a butterfly, and I insisted it was a moth. Conclusion: It's a moth named Butterfly. HAHA, she made up that one last time. And after that, I went home.


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Yay, go to hell, you!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Hi, yeah I changed my blog. Changing it according to my feelings. Pretty obvious what my feelings are from the huge title. (: Okay, I need to do my essay now. o_o Help me get inspirations!! T_T

eff you and your pretty life.

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Just another day.
Friday, February 26, 2010

Hi. I'm currently chatting with Yong-REE and Lew-WEE now (:
Hmm, I've found out that I've been emotionally unstable, LOL! Like I get irritated at the slightest things, and then suddenly going hyper shit. Maybe it's the mood swings doing its job, but *shrugs* I dunno. I don't have much to post actually, so I got a picture to cover up the space. Ciaos.

life is lonely without you by my side, you're out of reach..

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CNY vs Valentines'
Monday, February 15, 2010

Ah. I almost forgot. Happy Belated Lunar New Year & Valentines' Day!
CNY was fun, woke up quite early to head over to Dawson's(fyi, my uncle) place to pai nian. Hohoho, ang pao! *w* & Georgia is like so damn cute lah can, her New Year clothes, she even got boots! xD I didnt manage to take a picture of her though ): Wasted.
Then after a while we headed over to my Father's Side o: The very manificent terrance/bangalow/3-storey whatnot. Watched tele, slacked, ate steamboat, & headed up to Kai Xiang's(He shaved his head for NS! WAHAHA!) room :D It all started with his guitar, LOL. It was the first thing that caught my eye when I strolled around the 2nd floor. And then the interview started.
When he came up I was like, "Is that your room?" I pointed.
"Yeah." He said.
"Is that your guitar? o_o"
"Yeah.. o.o"
"You know how play ah?!" I know, stupid question, but who knows!
"A bit only."
"When did you start?"
"Since last year."
"Can I see it? *-*"
"Yeah, sure."
*Walks into room, takes out guitar, strums randomly*
After awhile, he walked in and asked, amusely, whether I could play it. And of course I don't, I had forgotten everything that was taught since like.. years ago in Primary School o: Then he took it and played some song, all halfway halfway one, LOL! Then Kai Quan passed by and said, "Wah, so cool ah, Kai Xiang!" Kai Xiang blushed, I laughed xD Oh and, he claimed that he self-learned everything on the net! o: Then Giggs came in and went hyperactive, with Kai Xiang and I laughing out heads off. Then Shaun came in.. (Are you confused with the names yet? (:) Then I complained that it was super hot, which was true, and wa lah! AIRCON! >:3 Then Kai Quan came in to join us.. Then Kai Xiang started flicking Poker Cards at Shaun, then the Poker-Card-War started! LOL! Kai Xiang and Shaun flick the cards here and there and everywhere in the room xD And I sat innocently on the bed hugging his pillow, using it as a shield whenever Shaun 'attacked' me, LOL. Then Giggs interrupted us with his 'show', damn funny! He was swinging a imaginary sword in every directions, giving shouts with every swing. Then so suddenly he stopped and went out of the room. "Oh, show's over liao," Kai Xiang exclaimed. ROFL! Then after awhile Giggs came in again and started swinging his 'sword' around. "Show not over yet ah?" KX said, we laughed. And every now and then KX would say to Giggs, "Eh your tie never wear properly!" Gesturing to his shirt, with a tie printed in it, knotted loosely. So damn funny. Then I laid on his bed, trying to sleep, LOL. But I keep getting distracted -,-

Then blah blah blah, we were watching tele when he got a call. "My friend come already," KX told us. I o.o?-ed him. Then he walked out. Awhile later he came in with his friend.

"Hi." I said, grinning.
"Hello." His friend said. He looked awkward-ish o:

"This is my friend" He gestured to an equally shaved-head guy with specs Bryan wore(eesh).
"This are my cousins; This is... *hesitates* ...Qiqi," He gestured to me. Obviously he had forgotten my name! Some cousin! I D:<-ed him then, stupid Kai Xiang.
"...And this is Shaun."

Then it was kinda awkward o:
&, his friend can play guitar as well! Better then KX, HAH.
Then KX had to go out for awhile. & Shaun went out to... get his laptop I think. And then I was alone with his friend. I could felt his curious eyes on me, & I shuddered inwardly, paying attention to the tele instead. Thank god they were back fast enough before I got really awkward. Then I whispered to Shaun, "That was really awkward.." He laughed.

Then we went down for Lion Dance! :DD I was standing at the doorway with my aunt and cousins and cousin's friend, waiting for them to come. Stupid KX went to take pictures of me with his camera -,- I turned away when he flashed it at me, but didn't make it in time at one. I flashed my camera at him, but it was too dark, stupid!

After that we headed up again, then I took out my phone and started texting him. (Note: I took him number while he was away >:D)
Me: Hi, i'm your stalker. B-)
His reaction was PRICELESS! xD He showed the message to his friend, and they were laughing their ass off.
KX: Wth?who r u?

Then my parents called me downstairs to go home -.- 8pm only ley! ): I still wanted to stay.

Me: Oh, you know who i am. (:
(Then he didn't reply me -.-)
Me: Why aren't you replying me?
KX: Wth sia?who the hell r u?
Me: okay okay , seriously , you're no fun at all . though your reaction was .. PRICELESS xD im becky lah :D
KX: Wad the???who the hell is becky?
KX: Ooooo.ok i noe alr.haha ps.haha hi.scare me sia
(Yeah, bet you were totally freaked! D:<)
Me: wah seh , forget your own cousin's name uh !
KX: Haha sry la.i was thinkin of my frenz ma.i dun hav any fren by the name of becky.psps
Pfft. Then I didn't reply. I FELL ASLEEP :D

& tadah, my essay finally ends. Omg, longest post ever. Cheerios!

Don't stop, make it pop! DJ blow my speakers up!

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Falling For You ~ (oh no i fell!)

I'm bored. ): are you bored?
It's been years since I last updated. Well, I haven't the time. SO DON'T BLAME ME FOR LEAVING MY DEAR BLOG DEAD. I... can't find my beloved earpiece ): *grieves* Where can it be, I CAN'T DO WITHOUT IT YOU KNOW. *sniffles* Stupid. ):<

I found it! I left it at my cousin's house.. Again. I keep leaving things behind at their house! Stupid. And it's my earpiece this time, "Come take it the next time you come my house" When would that be?! Gosh. I have a spare one, but it's with.. /:

i miss you already,

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Morning! :D
Monday, February 1, 2010
Hi :D It's 6.45 in the morning and I'm using the comp! (: (secretly, SHH D:<)

Okay, just a seriously very short post and I'm off to my template :D


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My bloody $40!!
Saturday, January 30, 2010

My blog has been very anti-social these days. I have bloody ASSessments to do you know. Very busy. No time for internet (: (Note: I didn't say computer :D)

Summary of the day:
I went to school at 8am to do my class CNY Noticeboard Decoration and to find out that absolutely no one is there to greet me o: Then I practically walked around th whole school.. and none of the gates at the staircases are opened(Duh, stupid). Then I walked back to the canteen and found Bryan solemnly waiting for his band people to come. Then I listened to music while band people came flooding in and none of my classmates/Ms Tan come flyin' in. Theeeen, at 8.30++, Ms Tan came(woohoo o:)! Only to tell me that the dateline had been changed to 8feb D:< I'll SUE them if they do >:D

THEN WE FINALLY FINISHED!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D Except for the white outline thingie that we needa buy.. But still (:


(dumbos will surely go see one, I guarentee you.)

*tries to calm self*

My parents will blame me for not taking care of my belongings if I told them ): Unfair right. Hello, victim here you know, and blaming me as if I was the suspect. -.- If I were to tell them lah.

Sigh. My money..

Friggin trying out photoshop tutorials. I can't find the vector mask! Someone help!

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Crappy Saturday
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Yeah, sucked today, was having moodswings in th late afternoon, bloodyhell don't know why. On th way home in th coach was feeling kinda frustrated(moodswings!). Then walking home also. Saw cats and went toward it, but one scrambled away, one clinged to a tree nearby. Blah blah, then started to walk off thinking Mabel & Yanping were following. Then noticed Mabel weren't with us. Guess what, she left off in the other direction. I think she was feeling left out or something. Like I would do that right! Then chased after her, then idk what happened then I started to storm off.

Right, nothing much to post about now. Adios.

Yeah, I know that apology sounded like a pathetic excuse. Even if it was, I can't convince you. But I really didn't mean what I did. Just now. Just give you time first. Don't know if you're even reading this.


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Friday, January 1, 2010

& Oh holy shit for new school term ):



*goes crazy*

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Eblaze ASS-ignments
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Safe In A Crazy World - Corrine May
2:58 pm

No, I didn't bathe that long :P I just forgot to post, that's all ニコ
Hmm. OH YEAH, EBLAZE! SHIT. It just sucks, doesn't it? Stupid homework though it's the SECONDARY TWO DECEMBER HOLIDAYS, which means we wouldn't have the same teacher teaching us again. WHICH MEANS, THEY SO SO SO SO SO SHOULD NOT HAVE GIVEN US HOMEWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORKK! 娘①003 Can somebody like, tell me the answers for the chinese one? I totally suck at it. ¬_¬

Please, I'm beggin'.

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New blogskin?
Feeling sticky ):
1:56 pm

Hello peeps テヘッ Imma thinking of changing my blogskin again.. エヘ Maybe now without the navs.. Or maybe with them but slightly different.. てん ANYWAYS, dance just sorta ended. I'm gonna bathe now.. Shall post a short post.. Then I'm off to find resources for my to-be new blogskin!

See you!

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-'- hackers.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Mirror Mirror - M2M

Walao, I'm like so pissed off lor can. Someone hacked into my audi acc and EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING IS GONE. Even my dens. Like, wtf can? Walao, damn pissed lah. Kao.

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Fight For This Love - Cheryl Cole
10.02 AM

Morning! Woke up earlier than usual today ニコ Soooo.. Imma looking at love icons now ハート Some are really nice you know. 笑 Talking to XuanPing again.. Sorta always talking to him everyday actually, LOL. Eblaze not done yet.. Heng maths left two more exercises, lol. Whereas Mabel あんど Yanping weren't so lucky wor..

..Just realised my sentences were so not connected. LOL おんぷ♪

with every kiss;
& every hug;
you make me;
fall in love

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About today/Conversation
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Haven't Met You Yet - Michael Buble
11:16 PM

Hmm.. Looking for codes for javascript/ccs now.. Ahhh the codes are so confusing! u-n*

Dance was normal today.. Xu laoshi couldn't make it, so mr.Peter took over. Practiced Chinge and Jazz. Super tiring! My toes hurt too なく- Ohh! Akio's online! After so long.. LOL! -Okay so. Where was I.. Oh yeah. Then after dance, Mabel and I went to Yewtee (took the bus, since it was raining) Then went to visit the cats and Lucky.. The rest don't really wanna say fade

So, here are some randoms stuffs we were talking about:

23:12:37I say: AKIO !

23:14:50Akio Arashi ` says: hello kaoru XD

23:16:48I say: i didnt notice you were online !

23:21:35Akio Arashi ` says: now you do XD

23:23:10I say: wow geez , you reply almost as slow as you reply on text xD

23:23:25Akio Arashi ` says: hahah

23:23:31Akio Arashi ` says: how can like that say me XD

23:23:38I say: cause its the truth xD

23:23:51I say: hey ..


23:24:35Akio Arashi ` says: LOL

23:24:45Akio Arashi ` says: ARE YOU LIKE STALKING ME?!!!


23:25:46Akio Arashi ` says: ehhh....

23:25:48Akio Arashi ` says: nope =]

23:25:58I say: then you have serious memory loss -,-

23:25:59I say: (:

23:26:05I say: so

23:26:09I say: lemme remind you again

I say: YOU

23:26:10I say: ARE

23:26:11I say: THE

23:26:15I say: STALKER !!

23:26:23Akio Arashi ` says: NO I NOT!!!

23:26:29I say: YES YOU ARE !!

23:26:32I say: ADMIT IT !

Akio Arashi ` says: I'MMA GONNA BATHE NOW

23:26:37Akio Arashi ` says: DON'T COME STALK ME!!!!

23:26:39I say: HAHAHA

23:26:45Akio Arashi ` says: YOU STALKER!!

23:26:51I say: IM NO STALKER , YOU STALKER !

Yes, we're a bo liao bunch. HAHA
{note: this was my font, and this was his. Explains why I was talking about the font.}

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{ 10.22 PM }
Monday, December 21, 2009

Sigh, I feel so sorry for Mabel, having to lose someone precious. I wonder if she'll be okay at dance tomorrow へ~

Nothing special happened today.. Ate kfc for lunch with JinJie today, never thought she'll be wearing a skirt(same as me) >w< Then went to visit the cats on the way home, took a video on how cute they were ハート Then went to visit Lucky テヘッ He finally let me ruffle his head キャ So cute lah can.

Hmm, then headed home.. (darn dad didn't go to work today 娘①003) Then watched Ultraviolet while eating dinner.. Then went back to drawing my manga.. Then here I am! Hoho..

That'd be all.

Adios! Wハート

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BeckyNg ,♥

Age: 14
Birthday: 1st January 1996
Current status: Happily single.
Location: Sunny Singapore
School: YewTee primary RegentSecondary{ -onefive♥ -twofive♥ : m&d
Contact me: tagged, facebook, blogskin;{ #1, #2, #3, #4 }, twitter, plurk.

life is a maze, love is a riddle,
i've wasted my time on you.


Mabel Lucky Xuanping Yanping Mabel: Dear / Panda / Milkshake
Lucky: Outside pet
Amos: Beloved Didi (coming soon :D)
Xuanping: Girlfriend
Yanping: Bubbletea
Jinjie: Childhood friend (coming soon :D)



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